So you’ve just had your decks pressure-washed. You may be asking yourself, “What now?” Well, there are some things to keep in mind when it comes to handling freshly pressure-washed decks. To find out, simply read below.
Temperature management
Pressure washing wooden materials means applying lots of water and having those surfaces soak up all that moisture. The ideal scenario would be to have the sun dry all that H2O out as quickly as possible and render those surfaces perfectly crisp. However, life sometimes gives us lemons. To make lemonade, one can anticipate such scenarios and plan ahead before the pressure washing session. Paying attention to weather forecasts can help you catch that perfect time slot of sunshine needed for drying the decks. Having a tarp to cover the decks wouldn’t hurt either—in case those meteorologists get it wrong.

Infestations and invasions
Wood is a natural substance perfectly suited for various organisms to thrive in. When termites and various beetles come across some quality bark, they would often love nothing more than to lay their eggs in it and even make it their home. Spores of fungi and pollen can also join the party, to our dismay. Thus, having a solid exterminator or pest expert inspect your decks before having a pressure washer spray water on them can be helpful. In the long run, it should also ease your mind about pesky crawlies amounting to an infestation.

Arranging scenery
The thing about wood is that water softens it; wood decks that have recently been soaking in water are vulnerable to dents by furniture and other heavy objects. Unlike carpets and memory foam, wood is less prone to revert to its original form once it has been imprinted with impressions. Although harder woods can take something like 1200 to 1500 psi from a pressure washer, wood is still wood. Especially for softer kinds like cedar or pine, the marks of one’s stomping can be indelible. To reduce these impressions, consider skipping that retread on your freshly-moistened decks. Placing picnic tables or other outdoor furniture on the decks right after the pressure washing may not be the wisest move either.

Of course, no deck is perfect; wear and tear is inevitable despite people’s best efforts to maintain them. That doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t try to retain our decks’ beauty as much as we can. For more information on the best ways to clean your deck, consult Oceanside Pressure Washing and Roof Cleaning today.
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