Most of us hope that an upcoming rainstorm will clean our home’s windows, gutters, and driveways, but at the end of the day, we all will be disappointed. Shouldn’t a shower of water do the trick? Well, not exactly. The rain, in fact, will leave home surfaces looking worse than before. Indeed, the rain will wash away some of the grime, but it will leave the same debris on our homes. In this month’s blog, we will explain why and what the best solution is.

The Rain Doesn’t Contain Cleaning Agents

Rain is simply not a thing you can rely on for your cleaning tasks. Some public and commercial areas require more than rainwater to be clean due to high traffic rates. For instance, it’s common to see oil stains on roads and driveways, and after the rain, you may see iridescent puddles instead of it being washed away. This shows that rain is inutile to clean some stains. 

Not Enough Pressure

Even the heaviest rainstorm doesn’t have the required pressure to remove the grime from your gutters and windows. Rain, with the accompaniment of wind, will only bring and lift up dirt and leave it on your home’s exterior. Simply put, rain cannot provide the right amount of pressure needed to clean surfaces properly. It’s also very common to see water spots left behind on your windows and other surfaces.

Your Environment

The environment is another factor that is worth mentioning. From dust storms to muddy conditions, rainfall can pick up all that dust and dirt and make your exterior surfaces dirtier. Rain also contains pollutants and other contaminants, so it’s not exactly clean water that your property is bring showered in.

What’s The Solution Then?

Go no further than soft washing! Soft washing will take care of all the above needs that you won’t find with the rain. Furthermore, soft washing goes way beyond making your home cleaner. It protects your personal health and safety, and it’s doable during winter months if you’re wondering if it is possible to soft wash in the rain.

Related: learn more about the benefits of soft washing here.


There is one major point to learn from this blog: rain isn’t a substitute for soft washing. Letting the rain do the washing will only make things worse. Don’t leave it to the rain and rely on Oceantime Pressure Washing LLC. We have cleaned numerous properties, both residential and commercial, and have left all of our clients satisfied with our work. Learn more about what we do by visiting our website or by calling (904) 994-0045.