Oceantime Pressure Washing LLC

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3 Ways Pressure Washing Can Increase Your Home’s Value

For home owners, the most common problem is the upkeep of gutters, roofs, and other parts of the home that are hard to clean. Luckily for you, the hardships of clearing away debris and dirt can be taken care of by scheduling a pressure washing service. With professional pressure washing equipment, the high-pressured water (with a combination of other chemicals), can prevent build-up of mold and other harmful particles that may be affecting the exterior of your home. Keep reading to find out how pressure washing can increase your home’s value and save you tons of money in the future!

Prevent Mold and Build-Up

One of the key benefits of pressure washing is removing harmful material from the exterior of your home. Over time, siding and shingles can become host to a variety of harmful growths such as algae, mold, and mildew. In all exterior surfaces, but especially materials such as limestone shingles, the buildup can cause damage when left untreated.
(Did you know: mold is the leading cause of roof decay!)
Regular washing can extend the life of your siding and roofing, saving you costly repairs and replacements down the line. The National Association of Realtors claims that a pressure wash can add $10,000-$15,000 value to your home, should you decide to sell. This simple routine maintenance can net you significant gains on the housing market.

Keep Gutters Functional

When your gutters become clogged with dirt and debris, water cannot flow away from your home; this may cause problems with the exterior of your walls, as the water saturates the outside over time. If water is affecting your walls, the overall integrity of your home could possibly be in danger, but don’t fret!

With a little preventative treatment, you can potentially save yourself from numerous problems- such as damaged door trimmings and leaky basements. Better to save yourself the headache and potentially thousands of dollars with a pressure washing cleaning!

Identify Maintenance Needs

When your home is treated with pressure washing, it may help you identify and get ahead of maintenance issues before they become big problems. Cleaning away dirt and debris from your home may expose a number of unknown areas for improvement.

By power washing the house, you can take note of any loose, cracked, or missing siding as well. Fixing issues that may be uncovered during a pressure wash can help maintain the exterior integrity of your home and prevent further structural damage. Ensure your home is free of rot, decay, and premature aging by treating it to a routine clean!


All in all, pressure washing can be a preventative measure to keep your home exterior clean and maintain your home’s value for years to come. With a simple maintenance cleaning, your roof, shingles, gutters, and more can be free from debris and other particles which build up over time. In addition, it can increase the value of any home, especially if you ever decide to sell.

For your next professional power washing service, we recommend calling the team at Oceanside Pressure Washing and Roof Cleaning LLC today!

Eliminating Efflorescence

Mold and mildew get a lot of street cred for looking so icky. An army of experienced pressure washers, however, would be able tell you about one of the lesser known culprits out there: Efflorescence. This sometimes powdery white crust observable on surfaces like stone, concrete, brick, and mortar can be a fairly delicate thing to deal with. To win a battle, we must know our enemies well. So let us get to know this troublemaker better.


Origins of the Term

If the name of this culprit sounds pretty, that’s because it might remind you of words like “effervescence” and “floral.” As a matter of fact, the origin of the word efflorescence has a lot to do with the Latin word florescere, which means “to blossom.” In a way, the chemical context is fitting for the phenomenon since the white crust is a result of crystallization—something reminiscent of the bloom of a flower.

How Does Efflorescence Happen?

Efflorescence occurs due to the deposition of soluble salts and minerals that are embedded within a substrate. When the moisture evaporates, it migrates from within the substrate to the surface, and brings along with it the present salts and minerals. When the moisture wears off, the salts and minerals stay deposited on the surface. The more salts and minerals there are, the more noticeable they would be on the surface of the substrate.

Sometimes you can even make out a face…

Is Efflorescence Dangerous?

Mold spores can trigger asthma, and rusty nails can cause tetanus. So what about efflorescence? Well, let’s think about it. If efflorescence is noticeable, it is a clue that the substrate may contain excess water. And because a damp place can make for favorite breeding grounds for mold and mildew, the dampness alone would presumably be a valid cause for concern. Efflorescence may also indicate that there are water intrusion issues or construction defects in a building. Be sure to consult a professional to identify the exact problems. Humidity can slow down the evaporation of the substrate’s moisture, which means paying extra attention is advisable if you happen live in places with high-humidity levels.

Yep. That’s a whole lot of “Nope.”

What Is the Solution?

Adept pressure washing can remove efflorescence. Some recommend using acid solutions, but even while exercising caution, these substances can cause many accidents. The easy and solid way to take care of efflorescence is to enlist professionals. Oh, and here’s a pro tip: Drying off the water is important, since reabsorbed crystals can reappear from the substrate later.


Eliminating efflorescence may take time and patience, but is crucial to the integrity of a building. And trying to take down this culprit oneself is not the answer. Attack the problem at its core by letting experts give skillful help. Contact Oceanside Pressure Washing and Roof Cleaning today!

What You Should and Shouldn’t Pressure Wash

Pressure washing is an effective tool, but using it on the wrong things can lead to irreversible damage. Yes, your goal is to save time and effort, but without proper knowledge about what you should and shouldn’t pressure wash, you might have to add on to that time and effort, along with costs. That’s why we’re going to give you the details on what passes as safe to pressure wash and what to avoid in our blog.


Do clean the deck. Many decks are made from South American hardwoods, which can hold their own against a blast of hot water. We recommend holding the nozzle at a fair distance from the wood because, while they may be pressure-treated, the blast can still cause etchings or markings.


Don’t pressure wash the roof. The blowback could throw you off balance if you’re perched on a ladder; you could hurt yourself. This is a job for professionals. It’s also important to note that roof or asphalt shingles will be stripped away. An alternative to cleaning would be to spray down the roof with a cleaner which kills mold and moss.


Do clean your gutters. Now you might be wondering, why are gutters okay but not the roof? With pressure washers, you can attach a hook-like tube to the nozzle and raise it over the gutters as you’re standing on the ground (imagine a cane). This is safer and still gets to the deepest parts of the gutters.


Do pressure wash your driveway. Because it’s concrete, it can withstand the pressure; the same goes for walkways or sidewalks. We suggest using a finer nozzle for grease stains, but lower pressure for moldy cement.


Don’t clean your car with a pressure washer. While you might’ve seen people use one for their vehicles, the effects from this cleaning method are harmful. Why? The paint could potentially rust. Save yourself the time and effort with a drive-thru car wash!


Picking up a pressure washer is easy, but it’s always better to handle a task with a bit of knowledge. We highly encourage you to contact a professional pressure washing company that will get the job done and produce satisfying results. Don’t give yourself more work than you need to – practice smart cleaning habits!

Make Christmas Decorating a Fun Task

The kids get really excited about decorating the house for the holidays at the end of the year, but it is the adults that have to make it happen! All you want to do after work is kick your shoes off and collapse on the sofa to catch up on your television programs. Keep your shoes on and get a list going because this is the time of the year that your household has been waiting for. It is your time to make the house shine with roof outlining Christmas lights and garland wrapped around the porch. Well, you’re in luck because we’re going to help make it fun rather than daunting.

Book a Pressure Washing Appointment

Don’t put yourself in a situation where you are at the top of your ladder reaching to get a grip and have dirt from your gutters stick to your hands. Do your house a holiday favor and have it pressure washed before you begin your decorating; it will make even the simplest of decorations seem like the flashiest house on the block because the shine will be coming from the clean look.

Cover the Areas That Require Most Maintenance

  • Make a Santa’s workshop driveway entrance
  • Outline the roof with Christmas lights
  • Wrap garland around your deck

Stressing out over getting the lights to cover your dirty window in a tree shape is not necessary this December. Try to focus on the natural shine of the house after your pressure washing session and cover the areas that won’t stay clean long.

December is the most wonderful time of the year, but it is also the messiest time. With spontaneous showers and chaotic winds comes leaves stuck in the gutters, pasted on the roof, and mud all over your driveway. With our fun decorating tips, the pressure washing job will last all winter long. There will be no need to keep having to get the ladder out of the garage to adjust your decorations, because you thought ahead and made cleaning a priority for Christmas decorating.


Knowing that you thought ahead and booked a pressure washing appointment as well as strategized the decorating process will kick the holidays off to a great start! You just sit back and catch up on your television programs, have your house pressure washed, and don’t put your boots back on until it’s all clean and ready for decorations.

When and Why Should You Wash Your Driveway?

From enticing guests and visitors to improving property values, a clean and proper home exterior can provide a number of different benefits. There’s a reason real estate professionals focus so heavily on curb appeal after all! Of course, when it comes to your home’s exterior, there’s more to consider than just your outer walls. Your driveway, for example, makes up quite a bit of your home’s outermost appearance!

Naturally, your driveway is going to need some special attention in order to shine like the rest of your home. That’s where pressure washing can make quite the difference! But what exactly sets apart pressurized cleaning from the much simpler process of hosing down your lot?

Why Pressure Wash?

Day after day, our driveways are left vulnerable to a myriad of different kinds of dirt, debris, oils, and grime. And while sweeping and hitting your lot with a hose can surely help, it’s by no means an end-all fix. This is because the grime that graces our properties’ presence is slightly acidic, resulting in microscopic cracks on the surface of your lot that are near impossible to treat with household items alone. And even more unfortunately, the chemicals that usually help alleviate these deeply penetrating substances can usually discolor or warp your driveway’s asphalt.

Pressure washing, on the other hand, applies all of the strength your driveway needs without resorting to harmful chemicals. This means a clean that penetrates into those microscopic cracks and tears away years of pressed in dirt and algae in a matter of minutes without jeopardizing your exterior’s appearance!

When Should You Pressure Wash?

While a pressure washing is never really a bad idea, there are certain opportunities that, if taken advantage of, can see more of a return on your investment. If you plan on selling your home, to make an example, pressure washing your driveway before hosting your open houses can entice more buyers to pay a visit.

Spring can also be a perfect opportunity for those looking to keep their home protected during the season where algae and mold growth is more common and widespread.


It’s no surprise that cleaning your home is a smart way of increasing your home’s appeal and inherent worth. However, with the right timing and strategy, even a simple clean can net you quite a number of extra worthwhile benefits!

3 Reasons Why You Should Clean Out Your Gutters

No one likes thinking about cleaning out their gutters over the weekend. In fact, the simple aversion to the task can cause an otherwise responsible homeowner to sleep on their gutter care altogether. Fortunately enough, our team is at the ready to dish out the wakeup call you need to motivate you to call a professional team and leave those gutters spotless. And what better way to do this than describe in gruesome detail the consequences that come along with neglecting your home gutter care?

Read on for a brief rundown of three of the biggest reasons you should invest in an experienced gutter cleaning!

Roof Damage

This should come as no surprise. After all, if neglecting to look after your gutters didn’t result in some kind of repercussion for your roofing, there’d be no reason to clean them out. Unfortunately, if you skimp on the cleaning, the consequences will be as clear as day.

One of the major forms of damage when dealing with clogged gutters is rot and mold. When water isn’t able to flow freely through the fixture, it can quickly overflow and cause mold and other contaminants to grow freely. Not only that, the water can even make its way into your home and leave you at risk of inhaling the harmful substance.

Garden Damage

Of course, clogged gutters damage more than your property’s interior. If your gutters become clogged to the point that water begins to spill from the sides, your garden bed is in line for some serious damage. You may be religious in staying on top of watering your precious plants, but if that excess water is regularly spilling over your greenery, you could effectively drown your plants and kill them before they have a chance to bloom!


It’s often recommended that you clean your gutters twice a year in the spring and in the fall. This is primarily because of the pests that can quickly make their gutters your home should you neglect to take the proper precautions. Bees, hornets, and wasps are some of the most common tenants you can expect but these aren’t all you can look forward to. Birds, termites, mosquitoes, and even rodents will be more than eager to take up residence somewhere that’ll keep them warm during the colder seasons.


Needless to say, the state of your gutters affect much more than simply the appearance of your home’s exterior. If keeping your property clean wasn’t enough of a convincing argument, consider the other consequences of a poorly maintained gutter system we mentioned and find a trustworthy team you can rely on to keep your home and its inhabitants safe.

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