You scheduled a cleaning service with the local pressure washing company, but when the day comes around, it’s raining! What should you do now? Before you call to cancel your appointment, read this blog post for more information.
Benefits of Pressure Washing in the Rain
The answer to your question is… yes! You definitely can pressure wash in the rain. Pressure washing in light to medium rain offers two main benefits that speed up and improve the process.

- Rain Keeps Detergents from Drying: On hot days, the sun evaporates the water and detergent mix, leaving soap circles and stains on windows and other exterior surfaces. While professional pressure washers are trained to handle this, it is much easier for them when it rains. Since the detergent doesn’t dry up, an extra rinsing isn’t necessary, making the process much quicker.
- Rain Allows for Greater Visibility: The sun causes glares and harsh shadows that make it difficult to see and can harm the eyes. Overcast skies eliminate these conditions, which helps washers clearly see the areas they need to clean. Many contractors prefer to work during rainy or overcast days because they don’t have to deal with eye strain and other visibility issues.
Weather Limitations
Light to medium levels of rain can make pressure washing easier and more efficient, but anything beyond that can impede the process and cause safety hazards. Heavy rains and torrential downpours can damage the equipment, while hail, snow, tornadoes, and other severe weather conditions are obviously a no-go. Thunder and lightning pose life-threatening risks for pressure washers who stand on top of buildings.
When there is a storm, many pressure washing teams will wait it out in their truck to see if it subsides. If the storm doesn’t let up, they will leave and you will have to reschedule your cleaning service.

Leave it to the Professionals
Many people who own pressure washing machines prefer to do the job themselves. However, the average, inexperienced person should never pressure wash in the rain, as it can threaten your safety. Surfaces are wet, so there is always a risk of a slip and fall accident. Also, mixing electrical equipment with rain is never a good idea. If it is raining, store your pressure washing machine in a dry, indoor location.
Call on a professional instead – pressure washing contractors undergo extensive training to learn how to handle various weather conditions. They adjust their safety measures based on the weather to ensure that everything stays safe while your home gets cleaned. For example, most pressure washers will keep their equipment inside their work trucks as they are working, so that the equipment doesn’t get damaged by the downpour.

With the rainy season always around the corner, you don’t always have to cancel your pressure washing appointment. At Oceanside Pressure Washing and Roof Cleaning, we are a team of highly trained and experienced professionals who can clean your house anytime. The rain can’t stop us!